Wm Chrisman High School

1223 N Noland Rd
Independence, Missouri 64050-1947




First This will search the database for everyone in the database with a first name listing that contains the requested data.
Last This will search the database for everyone in the database with a last name listing that contains the requested data.
Yearbook This will search the database for everyone in the database with a yearbook listing that contains the requested data.
For YEAR submitted...  
Graduation YEAR This will produce a list of all classmates listed.
YEAR: Updated This will produce a list of all classmates listed with the most recently updated classmate first in a descending order.
YEAR: Deceased This will produce a list of classmates that are reported as deceased.
YEAR: Unknown This will produce a list of classmates that we have no current information about.
YEAR: Email This will produce a list of classmates that we have an email address.
YEAR: Picture This will produce a list of classmates that have submitted a current picture.
YEAR: Web This will produce a list of classmates that have submitted a web site, personal or business, which is related to them.

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