Wm Chrisman The goal here is to have a basic listing of 1947 Classmates. We hope that the 'Current Status' can evolve to contain an Email address, Located (contact the coordinator for further info), or a status of Deceased if appropriate... No phone numbers/physical addresses will be displayed here... Listing was taken directly from the 1947 Yearbook Pictures and supplemented with additional research. A status of 'Located' indicates that more info is available from your class coordinator. [A-C] [D-F] [G-I] [J-L] [M-O] [P-S] [T-Z]
1947 Classmates M-O
Classmate | Status | Classmate | Status | Nancy Mallinson | Unknown | Jeaneldon Monroe | Unknown | Shirley Maloney | Unknown | Oreta Morgan | Unknown | Patty Manley | Unknown | Suzanne Mueller | Unknown | Donnabelle Marsh | Unknown | Geraldine Myers | Unknown | Dorothy Mathany | Unknown | Dorothy Neil | Unknown | Sylvia Maupin | Unknown | Mearl Neil | Unknown | Ted McAnally | Unknown | Shirley Neill | Unknown | Delbert McCandless | Unknown | Grace Newport | Unknown | Pat McCormick | Unknown | Betty Noland | Unknown | Billy McDonald | Unknown | John Norman | Unknown | Shirley McInnes | Unknown | Norine Norris | Unknown | Anne McKinney | Unknown | Jerome Novak | Unknown | Landon McLelland | Unknown | Benny Olsen | Unknown | Darlene McMullen | Unknown | Bob O'Renick | Unknown | Berdina Miller | Unknown | Judy Owens | Unknown | Don Mitchell | Unknown |